
Anti-Psychotic And Anti-Depressants

Product Image (Isodem-10)

Zolpidem-10 mg

Price: 10.00 - 80.00 INR/Box

Sedative & Hypnotic Medicine Insomnia in Elderly,Debilitated patients, Hepatically impaired patients

Product Image (Eurodep-20)

Fluoxetine 20 mg

Major Depressive Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Panic Disorder

Product Image (Psycool-20 & Psycool-40)

Propranolol 20 mg & 40 mg

Prophylaxis of migraine, Phaeochromocytoma, Hypertension, Myocardial infarction

Product Image (Tricd)

Trifluperazine 1 mg & Chlordizepoxide 10 mg

Anxiety, Tension, Behavior disorder & Insomnia

Product Image (Olorest-F 5 & Olorest-F)

Olanazipine & Fluoxetine Combination

Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder

Product Image (Sitaram-500)

Levetiracetam 500 Mg

Adults with epilepsy, Partial onset seizures, Myoclonic Seizures, Generalized tonic-clonic Seizures

Product Image (Psycolith-450)

Lithium Carbonate 450 mg

Treat manic episodes of bipolar disorder

Product Image (Lelopram-0.5,Lelopram-1.5 & Lelopram-3)

Pramipexole Di Hcl Monohyrate 0.5 mg,1.5 mg & 3 mg

Parkinson diseases and restless leg syndrome

Product Image (Kaypon-200 (SR), Kaypon-300 (SR), Kaypon-500 (SR))

Sodium Valproate & Valproic Acid

Migraine, Mania, Epilepsy

Product Image (Topamig-25, Topamig-50)

Topiramate -25 mg & 50 mg

Adjunct in seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Product Image ( Psycoser-25, Psycoser-50, Psycoser-100)

Sertraline-25 mg, 50 mg &100 mg

Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Product Image (Donepil-M-5, Donepil-M-10)

Donepzil Hcl 5 mg & Memantine 5 mg /10 mg

Mild to Moderate Alzheimers Diseases.

Product Image (DLX-20, DLX-40)

Duloxetine 20 mg & 40 mg

For women for the treatment of moderate to severe Stress Urinary Incontinence( SUI)

Product Image (Berest-25, Berest-50)

Aprazolam & Sertraline Combination

Moderate to severe depression associated with insomnia & anxiety disorders like OCD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Phobic Anxiety Disorders

Product Image ( Psycool-F5, Psycool-F10)

Propranolol & Flunarizine

Migraine, Anxiety & Intra-Ocular Tension

Product Image (MTR-15)

Mirtazapine 15 Mg

Major Depressive Disorder

Product Image (Lemotime-25 DT, Lemotime-100 DT)

Lamotrigine 25 mg & 100 mg

Partial Seizures, Primary Generalized tonic-clonic Seizures, Bipolar Disorder, Generalized seizures of Lennox-Gastuat Syndrome

Product Image (Mtl-10, Mtl-25)

Amitriptyline 10 mg & 25 mg

Neuropathic Pain,Migraine,Moderate to severe depression

Product Image (Olorest-2.5,Olorest-5,Olorest-10)
Product Image (Oxokool-10)

Flunarizine10 mg

Prophylaxis of Migraine,Vertigo & Vestibular Disorders,Peripheral & Cerebrovascular Disoders

Product Image (Fluvoxavit 50, Fluvoxavit-150 )

Fluvoxamin Maleate 50 mg & 150 mg

Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Product Image (Jetcure-Plus)

Sumatriptan & Naproxen Combination

Acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura

Product Image (Mtl-C-5, Mtl-C-10)

Amitriptyline & Chlordiazepoxide Combination

Moderate to severe depression associated with moderate to severe anxiety

Product Image (Jetcure-50 )

Sumatriptan 50 mg

Acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura

Product Image ( Trutox-GB)

Ginkgo Biloba 40 mg

Neurologic Sequelae associated with Alzehimers Diseases, Edema, Pre-mentrual syndrome, Tinnitus, Macular degeneration, Peripheral Vascular Diseases,Traumatic Brain Injury

Product Image (Destake-50, Destake-100)

Desevenlafaxine 50 mg & 100 mg

Antidepressant Psychotopic Drug

Product Image (Leparox-12.5)

Paroxetine 12.5 mg (Controlled Release)

Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post traumatic stress disorder, Social anxiety disorder

Product Image (Palicare-1.5, Palicare-6)

Paliperidone 1.5 mg & 6 mg

For treatment of Schizo-affective disorder as monotherapy and as an adjunct to mood stabilizers and/or antidepressant therapy in adults

Product Image (Etores-1,Etores-3)

Risperidone 1 mg & 3 mg

Schizophrenia, Acute manic episodes of bipolar disorders, Irritability associated with autistic disorder


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